Thursday, 18 October 2012

catch the ice on the 'Hannah' flowform made from old TV's

More on the lab design, video from

Flow form this morning at the Glasshouse college filmed by Chris Day .

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

also at

flowform for lab or experimental work

    • Pic gardenapprentice, Stuarts Farm Camphill community Dorset

recycled TV screens to produce stunning glass Flowform cascades

One very curious but fascinating project for using old TV screens for re-use as scuptures.

Experimenting with recycled TV screens to produce stunning glass Flowform cascades. Developed by Glasshouse College and Simon Charter from Ebb & Flow Ltd

journey into the profound capacities of water with Paul van Dijk 9-11 November 2012 or 15-17 March 2013

Journey into the profound capacities of water
with Paul van Dijk
9-11 November 2012 or 15-17 March 2013

The Rhythmic Power of Water
A weekend journey into the profound capacities of water
with Paul van Dijk
9-11 November 2012 or 15-17 March 2013
Renew your relationship to water, the most fundamental element in nature, through fascinating discoveries and experiments. Through water and its rhythms all living forms are not only created but also their lives are maintained - for without water nothing can live. How does water move? What is its essential nature? How does life come into being through water?
In this weekend we will do a number of experiments, to observe different qualities of water. The emphasis is given to two clay modelling projects, on Saturday and Sunday, to challenge you to really understand the rhythmic flow of water.
Our world famous Flowform® technology enhances the rhythmic nature of water and helps water support life. In this weekend we will introduce you practically to this extraordinary invention so you can experience your own moment of Flowform® discovery.
There will also be an opportunity given to purchase a Flowform® ceramic work at a discounted price, only for course members.
Practical information
• Venue: School of Water at the Healing Water Institute, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, England

Full details from (please mention when applying, thanks Laurence):

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

recycled TV screens to produce stunning glass Flowform cascades. Developed by Glasshouse College and Simon Charter

Experimenting with recycled TV screens to produce stunning glass Flowform cascades. Developed by Glasshouse College and Simon Charter from Ebb & Flow Ltd 01453 836060

Friday, 5 October 2012

he could make a watercourse self-organize into a stable riverbed

"A new perspective"
"This is a perspective that is very similar to that of Viktor Schauberger's way of reasoning. He early observed that untouched watercourses had a kind of structural stability. From those observations he suggested methods for river regulation --- based on the perspective of giving water impulses for self-organization to take place. By using suitable guide vanes and by taking into account the effect of the surrounding vegetation on water flow and temperature, he could make a watercourse self-organize into a stable riverbed.

This way of regulating rivers and watercourses differs from the traditional, which tries to steer the flow, and which disregards the 'eco-system' which the flowing water and its interaction with riverbed and vegetation makes up --- with floods and bank erosion as the natural result. Schauberger e.g. noted that the sediment transport capacity of the flow affected sand and bank development, which affected vegetation, which in turn affected the flow image of the water, through among other things the vegetation's cooling effect. The system bites itself in the tail, as it were.

A problem has been to interpret the language of Schauberger, as it was more that of a naturalist than of a hydrologist. He more looked at the wholeness of the system, than to its detailed composition, and focused on its flow image, without knowing or modelling the underlying mechanisms."

More at:

focus on non-conventional ideas and solutions within ecological technology.... The Institute of Ecological Technology, IET

I like this institute a lot, gets quite technical

The Institute of Ecological Technology

What we are - and our vision
The Institute of Ecological Technology, IET, is a distributed self-organizing research institute, with a focus on non-conventional ideas and solutions within ecological technology. It was formed in Sweden in the late 70s, inspired a lot by some ideas of the Austrian Viktor Schauberger and has undergone a series of metamorphoses (see History), but can be seen as a focus point for groups interested in non-conventional ecological ideas and solutions.

An alternative research institute
Our purpose is to be a place for discussion and co-operation for those interested in actively helping to bring about a change and making ecological alternatives real.

This can be done in may ways:

  • trying out which ideas work and which does not
  • putting those that work into practice, e.g. by devising and spreading useful inventions.
  • study presently neglected unconventional ideas, e.g. alternative water treatment devices (such as the Martin vortexer and the Grander water treatment device)
  • evaluate to what extent they can complement or even replace traditional approaches. 
  • study and become aware of our inter-connectedness with nature
  • explore new perspectives
  • extended eco-system.
  • self-organizing institute
  • The IET is a non-profit foundation
  • different groups form the network we call the IET Community.
  • IET publish quality research reports
  • maintain an archive
  • web site with mailing lists
  • participate in arranging the IWONE symposium 
  • NOTE: IET doesn't organize any research. Different groups set their own agendas and carry out their own projects, we co-operate in sharing results, and the vision that this kind of activity is necessary and important 
  • Home
    About IET   Research   Activities   Contact   Books & Reports   Contribute

Monday, 1 October 2012

'experiments that demonstrate waters role' by Philip Kilner

'Various water experiments that demonstrate waters role' by Philip Kilner

The Kilner single cavity
Design by
Philip Kilner

More details on flowforms at: