Thursday, 25 September 2014

phishing attack -


Apologies to anyone who may have received an email suggesting that we have any connection with you. THIS IS A 'PHISHING ATTACK AND SHOULD BE DISREGARDED.

if you have any of the following names please note that have no connection with me or our project.

Elliot Gummersheimer

Dian Stotesbury

Misty Sewester

Lanora Brigges


Dian Stotesbury

Lanora Brigges

Kenia Gabbamonte

and others.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Welcome to

Go to our web site with gallery of designs and background information at:

or click on the image...

The Dauphin Flowform Design by Michael Monzies

Currently the web site is being redeveloped as a better and broader scope of information on Flowforms, their use and design. For now we do have a wealth of research and some sales pages that have been built up over 20 years for you to look through and feel free to contact us at for further information and any query you may have. 

Please mention in all correspondance to our many partner links contained within. The flowform community is diverse in outlook and widespread throughout the world and this directly reflects the wonderful range of designs available and their intended application.

Note: We cannot provide sales information to some designs to all locations but would hope to assist enquiries in some small but significant way.


The environment and water

"Recent developments in the study of water make it possible to view the complex nature of water and its relationship to a healthy environment. Through this study it has become possible to gain a greater understanding of the dynamics of liquids and in particular determine the many factors inherent in water that give it such a valuable role within a sustainable and restorative balance with our eco-system."

Educational tools for maintaining water quality

"Each design incorporates the unique Flowform water movement, a simple single or double vortex within a sculptured cast form creating pulse and rhythm which is both enchanting to watch and beneficial to the quality of the water.

The aim of our website is to bring together all the many varied designs available from the designers of the world. Though supply may be restricted the scope of design potential and application in farming, community landscapes and homes is endless."

Solar Powered Cornelia Flowform, a simple and low cost installation that harnesses the suns power as it becomes available.

"Water does not have the characteristics of the living, but without water there is no life"

(Quote from "Understanding Water" by Andreas Wilkens, Michael Jacobi, Wolfram Schwenk)

"Flowform vessels allow the water flowing through them to express sustained rhythmic flow. This is due purely to the shape of the vessel. There is a wide spectrum of potential expressions. Many different designs have been made in order to explore this spectrum, some very elegant and artistically satisfying forms. So the Flowform impulse can be seen from the artistic side as the unfolding of this range of water sculptures embodying the same idea in aesthetically varied ways."


"Flowforms are vessels whose precisely sculpted shapes act sympathetically upon the water in them, generating rhythmical, swinging or pulsing, movements. This occurs even though the water enters in a steady flow. The process can be compared to the creation of a sound in a wind instrument. Development of these forms requires much experimentation – the shape of any one design of Flowform may take years to perfect, it is like tuning an instrument

Since the initial discovery of this phenomenon over thirty years ago, many designs have been created to give a very wide range of water movements. There are Flowforms with delicate water movements suitable for smaller enclosed spaces all the way up to very vigorous movements which can enliven large open landscapes. In some the movements are reminiscent of a heart-beat, in others of a slower ‘breathing’. There are designs which give a musical sound and others which produce a sound more like that of waves lapping on a shoreline. These qualities have proved especially valuable in therapeutic situations and school environments."
"Flowform vessels allow the water flowing through them to express sustained rhythmic flow. This is due purely to the shape of the vessel.
There is a wide spectrum of potential expressions. Many different designs have been made in order to explore this spectrum, some very elegant and artistically satisfying forms. So the Flowform impulse can be seen from the artistic side as the unfolding of this range of water sculptures embodying the same idea in aesthetically varied ways." (Simon Charter)

"The benefits of Flowforms are by no means purely aesthetic. Because Flowforms have been designed with respect for the inherent nature of water, and with the wish to enhance its life-supporting capacity, they are now in use in the food processing industry, agriculture, horticulture and as an integral part of natural water cleaning systems."

For futher quotes on design concepts behind Flowform design please see our 'designer' pages, links and read our blog......

Current research work
Subpages (5):
Water Exploration
Mathematical Theory
Environmental Study
Manufacturing and Production
Future of Flowforms

Designer Articles
Subpages (4):
Delving into Water
Flowform Design Research
Flowforms and Ecology
Waters of Life

Subpages (4):
Ian Trousdell
John Wilkes
Andrew Joiner
Nigel Wells
Simon Charter